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Klon Attention to Students Taking Overlapping Courses!

According to the decision taken by our University Senate on September 15, 2023, the following principles are applied for overlapping courses, depending on whether they have been taken before or not:

• If two practical courses overlap, these courses cannot be taken at the same time, regardless of whether they have been taken before.

• If one practical and one theoretical course overlap, these courses can be taken if the theoretical course has been taken before and has a success grade other than F0.

• If two theoretical courses overlap, these courses can be taken if at least one of them has a success grade other than F0.

In this case, our students must apply to our Department Head Office in person by filling out the petition attached in order to take their overlapping courses.
Applications made by e-mail will not be accepted.
Chemical Engineering Department Petition Acceptance Days: September 24-25, 2024